3 Ways bountiXP’s digital employee recognition platform will help your business thrive in an age of disruption

3 Ways bountiXP's digital employee recognition platform will help your business thrive in an age of disruption

Let’s talk digital employee recognition in the age of disruption, shall we?

Remember when disruption used to be a word with bad connotations? E.g. nail-biting international cricket matches that got rained out, noisy neighbours hosting epic parties when you had to study, or that one dog down the road that would not stop barking when you really need your sleep.

Well, these days it’s a good thing. We are now very much on board with disruption because it’s become a synonym for the exciting kind of change that kinda rips the rug from under you, but is still exhilarating at the same time.

The workplace landscape is being shifted by both gentle currents and tectonic shifts of ongoing change. There’s a lot going on. Digital transformation and innovation, revolution of the employer-employee relationships, the rise of freelancing and remote work, as well as the interplay of emerging tech like AI, VR and so much more. It’s a brave new world out there and the businesses that manage to keep up are those that will stand the test of time.

Which is where ongoing, timely and specific employee recognition and rewards come in.

Wait, hold up, isn’t that a bit of a leap?

Surely there are more important things that should be at the top of the must-attend-to-ASAP list of HR professionals and company directors, at a time when everything we know about the workplace is changing at a rapid clip?

Fair enough, there are many leaders who will keep employee recognition and engagement solutions on the back burner until they have time, or revenue improves, or they have less on their plate.

However, it’s exactly this kind of thinking that puts them at risk of falling behind the competition, both in terms of performance and revenue. Great things happen when employees are energised and enabled by means of HR tech – they innovate, cooperate and collaborate like never before.

Join top South African businesses using bountiXP to drive their recognition efforts. Click here to start your FREE 14-day trial now.


Here are a few of the incredible benefits that your business will (yes will, not might) enjoy when you invest in an employee-centric recognition and reward platform like bountiXP at this pivotal time in the HR revolution:


1. Increased engagement that drives performance

There is a very simple formula for success that becomes apparent as soon as you start empowering your employees by means of regular recognition and reward: performance = results, and engagement drives performance.

With more people choosing to work remotely than ever before, the notion of productivity and how to boost it within dispersed teams is top of mind for most executives. After all, the individual performance of every employee adds up to the results of the company as a whole.

Engaged employees are more motivated to contribute to the wellbeing of the company, and it shows in the quality of the work they produce and the way they engage with customers as well as co-workers. This makes all the difference when it comes to market share and competitive advantage.

Read more: A disrupted 2020 has seen the rise of these 5 employee engagement trends


2. Supercharged productivity and efficiency

Productivity and efficiency are highly prized commodities in the current economic climate. However, increasing your ROI in terms of employee output when you’re providing the same level of investment is easier said than done. bountiXP helps businesses do so by focussing employees’ productivity by linking their actions directly to organisational values and goals.

Are you looking to boost staff performance? Give bountiXP a try, it’s FREE for 14 days click here to start.


3. Strong and resilient company culture

There is an undeniable correlation between company values and key performance factors. Focussed employee recognition and rewards can be used to highlight company values and place these guiding principles front and centre as regular reminders of the vision and mission of your business. bountiXP does so by:

  1. Creating meaning with the right kind of rewards. The multi-dimensional reward experiences offered by bountiXP backs up the reward itself with a sense of meaning and belonging that speak to important behavioural drivers like the need to bond, create, defend and acquire.
  2. Bringing your values to life with ongoing training. Integrated online learning and assessment is a unique feature of the bountiXP platform that helps to equip managers to fulfil their crucial role in motivating their teams and driving performance. By incorporating your vision and mission in a fun, gamified learning experience it’s far simpler to align your team with the values you wish to instil to promote the success of your business.
  3. Aligning internal and external messaging. When your company’s recognition initiatives align with core values, your employees become exceptional brand advocates as they move about the world. Because they are rewarded for the right type of behaviours, it becomes implicit in the way they conduct themselves and this is apparent for all to see.

These are just three of the benefits associated with the use of a truly innovative employee recognition platform.


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